Would like to sincerely thank Yvonne Khoo and some of the mommies here for recommending me Confinement Nanny Yin Bao. I had a bad one at the start of my confinement which I laid her off on the 11th day. I posted my prob and urgency in this chat and Yvonne went to the trouble of helping me to check with Aunty Yin Bao and thus I can continue to do my confinement at ease. Aunty Yin Bao is very hardworking, she’s very hygiene and clean too. She doesn’t exploit my helper which the previous nanny did and throw all the washing n cleaning to my helper. My helper enjoy assisting and working with Aunty Yin Bao.. Aunty Yin Bao took well care of my newborn. She’s very chatty too and her cooking suits my taste as I’m not a heavy taste person, her cooking doesn’t use salt, towards the bland version. Overall , thank you for this group that saves me during this trying period on such a short notice. As this could be my last pregnancy, I gets to rest during my confinement with Aunty Yin Bao around.